Year End Comments from Colbert Williams
The accomplishments you have made along with your select Certified Anger Management Providers have been nothing less than Phenomenal. I will post them on my website blog. With your/our continued visions, energy and relentless pursuits of saturating and dominating the market with the Anderson & Anderson Models of Executive Coaching and Anger Management, 2008 will truly be a “Banner Year” for Executive Coaching/Anger Management intervention services for Physicians and all “High Profile” professionals provided by you and your personally selected, highly trained, with significant and relevant clinical experiences, Licensed, Certified Anderson & Anderson Executive Coaches/Anger Management Providers. You have “Set the Standard” and “Raised the Bar.” “Let the Referrals and Contracts Begin!”
I am preparing and looking forward to hitting the ground running in 2008.
I Thank You from the Bottom of My Heart for your Phenomenal and Altruistic Mentoring, Trust, Executive Coaching referrals, Partnering in our Joint Ventures with Metro, Wal-Mart, the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and Senator (Ret) David Roberti, Esq. I equally thank Nancy and your family for their Trust, Belief and Support in our business relationships and ventures. You are truly, “One In A Million!”
Wishing you and your Family a Very Merry Christmas and a Most Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year!!!
Colbért Williams, Sr., MSW, LCSW, CAMF
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