Current Activities and Events at Anderson & Anderson®
George Anderson, BCD, LCSW will be providing an organizational anger management training for staff members of the Santa Paula Union School District. The training, which takes place on March 9th, 2009, is another example of the increasing interest in anger management as an appropriate intervention for addressing the following: anger, stress, communication, empathy (or emotional intelligence), and motivation to change.
So far this year, Anderson & Anderson® has seen an increase in the number of clients attending its Saturday anger management class, an increase in Executive Coaching referrals, and an increase in invitations to relevant seminars pertaining to Anger Management and Executive Coaching. Anderson & Anderson is committed to increasing its client base by reaching out to the public through an intensive marketing strategy.
Last week, Anderson & Anderson had an eventful three-day certification training seminar at its main office. Participants came from Texas, Antelope Valley, and Los Angeles County. Office staff at Anderson & Anderson sent e-mails to all Anger Management providers on the Los Angeles County Anger Management Court list. The e-mail included an attached Provider Satisfaction Survey that will be used to improve the way in which Anderson & Anderson provides its certification training to new providers. This week, we will send e-mails to providers outside of Los Angeles County.
Next week we will send a new survey to all of our customers who have purchased from us within the past year. The goal is to determine what we can do to improve our customer service. We welcome positive and negative feedback from those who complete the survey. We will use the results of these surveys to make the necessary changes needed to insure improvement within our company.
If you have any questions or concerns, and would like to voice those concerns, please call our office at 310-207-3591.
Rasheed Ahmed
Office Manager
Anderson & Anderson®
Trusted Name in Anger Management
Phone: 310-207-3591
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