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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Executive Coaching; A Powerful Force For Change

Are we experiencing a renaissance? For many centuries, clinicians have focused to a large degree on how to cure the mentally ill through the identification and reduction of undesirable symptoms. They have accomplished this objective primarily through administering medication or providing psychotherapy, in addition to many other valuable approaches. In fact, modern clinicians have become quite adept at treating mental illness, owing to technological advances and access to extensive bodies of research. Does that mean the job is done for clinicians and their patients? I would argue that, now more than ever, people require more than medical/psychiatric treatment, they need developmental treatment.

Those in the position to provide developmental treatment/positive psychology are some of the same people who provide medical treatment (i.e. mental health professionals with formal psychological training); however, there are many others taking an entirely different approach to the understanding of human behavior, that are contributing in valuable ways. Their objectives surpass the reduction or eradication of symptoms, and instead, focus more on the increasingly important area of human development i.e., self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationship management.

Who are these trailblazers? How are they doing it? What do they know? They are Executive Coaches, committed to ushering individuals to a level of emotional mastery, self- awareness and understanding, which facilitates optimal functionality within the human experience in all capacities. Executive Coaching emphasizes improvement in the following five areas: anger, stress, communication styles, emotional intelligence, and motivation to change. The coaching approach goes beyond reducing the symptoms of illness; rather, it is centered on keeping well people functioning well.

Why executives? It is not to say that the content of executive coaching is non-essential for everyone; in fact, it is. However, executives are in a very unique position to create an environment conducive to the personal growth and development of all those within their sphere of influence. In order to effect systemic progress, it is essential for those in positions of great power to first attain increased levels of personal mastery. Only then, can complete organizational advancement take place.

Furthermore, “with power comes great responsibility.” The responsibilityof executives is to recognize their employees as human beings, not human capital. This realization is facilitated immensely by the expanded levels of awareness which result from Executive Coaching. Through the coaching process, people in positions of power realize their potential to promote progress beyond their own organization; gradually, they see that the entire global community, characterized by its modern interconnectedness, stands to benefit from the progress stemming from Executive Coaching. Executive Coaches are the current incarnation of “paradigm shifters,” changing the course from treatment to development and skill enhancement, and creating a renaissance of human awareness. Their ideology is rooted in helping “well” people function well or better.

Lekdan Takspa, M.B.A
General Manager
Anderson & Anderson, A.P.C
Trusted name in Anger Management
Phone: 310-207-3591
Fax: 310-207-6234


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