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Friday, August 03, 2007

Developing a Stress-Resistant Personality

I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it. –Frank Clark

Everyone is bound to face stress at one point or another in life. The fact is that we grow up physically and emotionally from when we are young to be able to handle many stressful situations. However, the degree to which we are stressed can be unnecessarily exacerbated to the point that we become physically and mentally unbalanced. The key to dealing with excessive stress is developing a stress-resistant personality.

The Problem of Not Being Stress Resistant

Below is a list of traits common among people who have not developed a stress-resistant personality. These traits may trigger a stress reaction:

 Unrealistic expectations
 Constant dissatisfaction
 Inability to relax
 Always in a hurry
 Constantly worrying about little things
 Making things seem worse than they really are

How to Develop a Stress-Resistant Personality

* Getting Regular (non-competitive) exercise
* Consider problems as challenges
* Look for possibilities and creative solutions
* Buffer stress with a commitment to family, friends, religious and
community activities
* Develop a support group by getting involved and keeping in touch with others
* Getting proper rest
* Learn to be helpful and give to others

Try to accept the fact that, in the reality of life, things don’t work always work out the way we want or expect. People who are always rushing and pushing often accomplish less than people who take time to plan and relax.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers


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