As the title implies, this site will continually update changes and trends in anger management services, research,referrals and provider training. In addition, books,CDs,videos and DVDs used in anger management programs will be introduced.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Season of Risk

As we approach the holiday season, our expectations of ourseleves and others are often unrealistic. We frequently make demands which are inconsistent with our resources and the resources of others to meet those demands. Consequently, we become stressed, angry, anxious and/or depressed.

The period between Holoween and New Years are by far the most emotionally laden days of the year. This is a time in which we should recognize and anticipate stress and mobilize our efforts to minimize the harmful effects which tend to emerge from unrecognized or unmanaged stress.

Some simply strategies which are often useful include the following:

--acknowledge and label your feelings.
--for each situation which makes you feel stressed or angry, ask yourself:
-Is this situation important?
-Can I control or influence the outcome?
-Will it affect the course of history?
-If it is important and I cannot control or influence the outcome, I must accept the stressor and develop coping strategies or move around it.
-If it is important and I can change or influence the situation, I must act to do just that.

Tomorrow, November 28, I am flying to Richmond, Virginia. I cannot control the weather in Richmond but I can cope with the weather by dressing appropriately.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Monday, November 26, 2007

November 20, 2007 Press Release from Daybreak Counseling

In view of the press release below, this Los Angeles based Anderson & Anderson provider has been removed from our Court Approved Provider List.

All current and future clients should contact the court prior to enrolling in any of the new classes offered by this provider.

Education Center Incorporates Evidence-Based Practices Within Anger Management Classes

Santa Monica, CA, November 20, 2007 –(– Daybreak Counseling Service, the leader in anger management education and anger management classes moves to incorporate evidence-based practices within its anger management course curriculum.

A growing amount of literature confirms that in addition to targeting specified behaviors such as aggression, drug use, alcohol abuse and other criminal behavior the criminogenic needs of offenders must be addressed. Although anger itself is not a crime it is often a present factor in crimes against another person such as battery, domestic violence, criminal threats and assault.

Most anger Management classes teach individuals how to manage stress, communicate effectively, and develop emotional intelligence but such classes do not address the motivation of clients especially if they are court ordered.

Individuals who exhibit chronic acts of anger and aggression often receive great rewards for their behavior. Such behavior may reinforce their status in their community and reinforces their own vision of themselves.

In an effort to manage anger, Daybreak Counseling Service addresses eight major risk factors for the clients.

1. Antisocial Attitudes
2. Antisocial Peers
3. Antisocial Personality
4. History of antisocial behavior
5. Family
6. Education/Employment
7. Substance Abuse

Daybreak Counseling Service does not provide psychotherapy but uses an educational model that manages anger. Through cognitive instruction rather than process groups clients can be made aware of the above risk factors that may prevent reduced aggression. Daybreak Counseling Service provides effective anger management courses by suggesting referrals to address multiple needs of the clients as well as providing an after care program to support the clients growth.


Contact Information
Daybreak Counseling Service
Shannon Munford M.A. MFT, CAMF

Turbulent Priests to Take Anger Management Classes

By Paul Bignell

Published: 11 November 2007

A spitting vicar, a karate-kicking clergyman and a priest who prompted fury by selling off a priceless medieval map – these are not characters from a lost episode of the Trollopian “Barchester Chronicles”, but modern-day holy men involved in bitter feuds at the heart of ecclesiastical life. Some priestly disputes have become so bad that a “conflict management” course has been introduced for church leaders.

Its aim will be to resolve the growing number of rows which are causing deep, unbrotherly – and unsisterly – rifts, according to Dr Sara Savage, a senior researcher at Cambridge University who co-developed the course.

“Conflict is generally not handled well within the church,” she said. “Even minor disagreements can leave bitterness and resentment…Instead of churches being contexts for grace and loving challenge, they can become arenas for bullying, blaming and scapegoating.”

Of the 18.9 million working days lost annually in the UK through stress – in much of which bullying plays a significant part – a high proportion of workplace bullies are in the caring professions, including the church. A study by the Andrea Adams Trust, which deals with workplace bullying, found that lay people, church officers, workers or clerics increasingly behave abusively to other lay or ordained people.

According to the Cambridge research team, attempts to resolve inter-clergy rows often make matters worse because those involved lack proper training in resolving conflicts.

But it’s not just colleagues the clergy have to fear, as the unfortunate vicar of St Mary and St Michael church in Trumpington, near Cambridge, found. Dr Tom Ambrose must now defend himself against 97 allegations – including spitting at a church warden – from his parishioners in front one of only a few ecclesiastical tribunals held in the past century. Lawyers estimate his legal fees could reach £150,000. His crime? The modernising vicar wanted lavatories in the church for his ageing congregation. In another case, the Rev Brian Regan used his martial arts expertise to quell a violent parishioner.

Paul Handley, editor of the Church Times, said yesterday that the time is right for a conflict-management course: “I think that professional advice…is very important. Otherwise you get churches run by the ‘angry-squad’.”

The first session of the course will take place next month. Representatives will attend from six denominations – Anglican, Methodist, Church of Scotland, Roman Catholic, Baptist and United Reform. It will centre on psychological and conflict resolution techniques. Course leaders hope that more sessions will follow encompassing different faith groups, including Muslims and Hindus.

Holy rows

Rev Harry Brown, 2003: sacked over sexual impropriety, intimidation and financial irregularities

Dr Brandon Jackson, 1997: eight-year feud with sub-dean at Lincoln. Cleared of adultery; resigns as dean

Rev Lucy Winkett, 1997: her appointment at St Paul’s Cathedral provoked mutiny and hate-mail

Rev Tom Ambrose, 2007: faces 97 allegations, including spitting at a warden, and could lose his job

Dr Martin Neary, 1999: Westminster Abbey organist, sacked for ‘financial irregularities’; lost his appeal

Remember the Holidays

With the holidays officially beginning in a matter of a few days, now is a good time to review many of the chapters in the Anderson and Anderson workbook with your clients and help them navigate successfully through the holidays.

Joe, Sharon, Maggie, Anthony and Stephen are clients of mine that have issues of stress-related anger. They each dread the holidays because, in their words, “it tends to bring out the worst in them.” I emphasized that everything they had learned up to now was simply a lesson to prepare them for the approaching holiday season. “Now,” I continued, “I must prepare you for the big exam—surviving the holidays and even having a few laughs along the way.” That explanation is the reason why I decided to go over the stress, anger communications and even emotional intelligence chapters for a second time.

Today we worked on the Stress Chapter as though it was the first time they had ever seen it. One of the great things about reviewing the chapter is that many points that my clients missed, or they were not ready to grasp in the early stages of their learning, have become clearer and more understandable because of their new growth. They were able to embrace the concepts willingly and enthusiastically.

In addition to review we re-wrote affirmations and positive self-talk statements. This time around their statements were far more powerful than their earlier versions.

We ended the last few minutes of our session with arts and crafts. We made small survival baggies to keep at work, home and in the car. Each baggie contained a variety of relaxing teas including mint, chamomile, and one called mood mender. We also included Rescue Remedy and inspirational sayings in these packages. Their homework assignment was to purchase a traveling hot/cold cup and a plastic water bottle as part of the toolbox for holiday survival. Additionally, they committed to step out of the ring of intense energy by walking, or any other physical exercise, three times a week.

Help your clients through these holidays by reviewing and strategizing tools for managing. If you like the idea, have your clients make a survival kit so that they may have a Happy Holiday.

Yacine Bell, CAMF
Oakland, CA

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Anderson & Anderson Joins Colbert Williams in Joint Venture

Colbert Williams, President of Executive Life Coaching Joins Anderson & Anderson in a Joint Venture to provide anger management, executive coaching and organizational training for a number of major corporations, transportation agencies and jails in California.

Mr. Williams is an experienced Licensed Clinical Worker with extensive training in the Anderson & Anderson of Anger Management and executive coaching. He is based in Lancaster, CA. Mr. Williams is also training to become an Anderson & Anderson Training Faculty. As contracts are signed, announcements will be made on the blogs and websites of both of the two entities involved.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Anger, Hostility and Person-Directed Violence

Anger alerts your body to prepare for a fight. This reaction is commonly classified as “fight or flight”. When you get angry, adrenaline and other hormones are released into the bloodstream; then your blood pressure goes up, your heart beats faster, and you breathe faster. Many people mistakenly believe that anger is always a bad emotion and that expressing anger is not okay. In reality, anger can be a normal response to everyday events. It is the right response to any situation that is a real threat. Anger can be a positive driving force behind our actions. Anger can also be a symptom of something else, depending on how often a person feels angry and how angry the person feels.

Hostility is being ready for a fight all the time. Hostile people are often stubborn, impatient, hotheaded, or have an “attitude”. They are frequently in fights or may say they feel like hitting something or someone. Hostility isolates you from other people. Anger and constant hostility keep your blood pressure high and increase your chances of having another health problem, such as depression, heart attack, or a stroke. Teens who say they often feel angry and hostile also more often feel anxious, stressed, sad, and fatigued. They have more problems with alcohol and drug abuse, smoking, and eating disorders than teens that do not have high levels of anger.

Violent behavior often begins with verbal threats or relatively minor incidents; but over time it can involve physical harm. Violent behavior is very damaging, both physically and emotionally. Violent behavior can include physical, verbal or non-verbal threats. Violence causes more injury and death in children, teenagers, and young adults than infectious disease, cancer, or birth defects. Murder, suicide, and violent injury are the leading causes of death in children. Violence with guns is one of the leading causes of death of children and teenagers in the United States. About 5,000 teenagers are murdered every year.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Anger Management, a Ray of Hope for Civility in Interpersonal Relationships

As we approach the end of 2007, there is a cause for optimism relative to professional anger management. Colleges, Universities, governmental agencies, business and industry, as well as hospitals and prisons are moving aggressively to introduce anger management and executive coaching to the list of benefits offered. In addition, jails and prisons are moving away from punishment towards rehabilitation by introducing anger management to inmates as well as correctional staff. Finally, the media is beginning to publicize the merits of anger management for celebrities, ordinary citizens, and organized sports.

A look at the trends

Jails and prisons in New York are planning to add anger management to their educational components for inmates.

California is requiring anger management for all parolees who have a history of violence.

Anger management is now being provided in all of California’s 32 prisons.

Veterans Administration Hospitals are using anger management in conjunction with psychiatric treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for returning Iraqi soldiers.

The Texas State Legislature is currently debating the teaching of anger management in all middle schools in Texas.

Military Brigs in San Diego and Virginia are now offering anger management to military inmates.

School Districts in California, Texas, Florida, Washington and Oregon are providing anger management in Adult Education Programs as well as grade schools.

The Joint Commission on the accreditation of hospitals has mandated that all hospitals in the nation establish standards for “disruptive staff”.

Professional Basketball, Baseball, Football and Hockey associations are all reviewing proposals to provide anger management for players and coaches.

Student Judicial Affairs Departments of major colleges and universities are contracting with professional anger management providers to provide anger management as prevention for violence.

Anger management in substance abuse programs has long been neglected. In California, proposition 36 for substance abuse programs has mandated “Certification” in anger management for all substance abuse contractors.

Executive Coaching/anger Management is being endorsed by physicians and Risk Management consultants. This is the intervention of choice for physicians and executives nationwide.

The development of anger management as an accepted discipline has come a long way in the last year. The indication is that 2008 will be a period of further advancement in this new emerging area of specialization in human services.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Monday, November 19, 2007

Emotional Intelligence a Critical Factor

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to gain positive outcomes from relationships between others and ourselves. It is the practice of being aware, understanding, appropriately expressing and handling emotional states in ourselves and others. Emotional intelligence is an important skill to acquire, because of its usefulness in leadership, sales, marriage and interpersonal relationships at work, in school and with our families. It is a skill which can be developed and/or enhanced at any point in our lives.

The Anderson and Anderson model of anger management intervention is one of the first curricula to incorporate emotional intelligence as a key component of the skills taught in its anger management classes, as well as executive coaching. The other components of this model include stress management, communication and anger management. All of these four key concepts are woven throughout the curriculum as well as the group exercises, videos and CDs used to teach participants not only how to manage anger, but also how to manage stress, improve communication and enhance emotional intelligence.

Before being admitted into any of our programs, a computer scored Anger Management Map is administered. This assessment component determines the client’s level of functioning in the following areas: anger management, stress management, emotional intelligence and communication skills. Skills in these four areas are the topics taught in the Anderson & Anderson model of anger management intervention.

While an individual may initially enroll in an anger management class as a referral from a court, Human Resource Manager, Employee Assistance Program or spouse, once in the class, he or she will quickly recognize the value of using these skills in all other aspects of his or her daily life. Emotional intelligence is by far the most popular of the four modules mentioned above. It is closely related to empathy, sensitivity to others, compassion and self awareness. It is what distinguishes people who make you feel comfortable, optimistic, and happy about yourself, from those who you avoid because their negativism is contagious and tends to cause you to feel gloom and discomfort.

Currently, in the United States, Canada, England and Bermuda, the largest number of referrals to anger management programs using the Anderson & Anderson model are from businesses and governmental agencies, including Hospitals. These organizations tend to be most concerned about the bottom line, productivity, profit and good morale. Understanding the powerful role of emotions in the workplace sets the best leaders apart from the rest, not just in tangibles such as better results and the retention of talent, but also in the all-important intangibles, such as higher morale, motivation, and commitment.

Some Case Examples

Fifteen percent of participants in our anger management classes are self-referred. Several months ago, a young father joined one of our Saturday accelerated classes, because he was concerned over his growing impatience and negative response to his infant son. During his first session, he quickly realized that this “impatience” was also occurring at his business where he was responsible for managing fifty employees. He also acknowledged being frequently abrasive in his style of communicating with his wife. Over a ten session period, he was able to see a change in his relationship with others as well as his self-esteem as he began making changes in his sensitivity to others and using assertive communication rather than passive aggressive or aggressive communication.

In another example, an executive of a major Motion Picture Company was ordered to attend an executive coaching/anger management class as a result of verbal abuse exhibited in a meeting directed to one of his senior staff. Initially, this executive denied the need for help and protested his referral to an anger management program. During his initial assessment interview, the focus was on his style of communication (aggressive), level of stress (high), emotional intelligence (low) and finally his skills in managing anger, which were poor. It was determined in the assessment session that he may benefit from developing skills in emotional intelligence, stress management, communication and finally anger management. During his ten week individual coaching sessions, he was promoted by his company and received a hefty raise. After one year, he is now an advocate in his company for emotional intelligence for all managers and supervisors.

Forty percent of our referrals come from the business and labor industry. Self-referrals are the third largest source of referrals to our classes. Many of our new referrals come from participants who have successfully completed either executive coaching or anger management classes.

In our third example, a man decided to take his toddler son for a ride on his Harley Davidson Motorcycle. A neighbor reported the incident to the police and he was subsequently arrested and charged with child endangerment and ordered to attend a one year anger management class with a focus of emotional intelligence. Not only did he express appreciation for the Judge who sentenced him, he also recommended that his local public Adult Education High School offer anger management and emotional intelligence to the community as a public service. 30% of anger management referrals come from the criminal justice system, which includes the courts, probation and parole.

Just as laughter offers a ready barometer of emotional intelligence at work, so rampant anger, fear, apathy, or even sullen silence signals the opposite. In a survey of more that a thousand U.S. workers, 42 per cent reported incidences of yelling and other kinds of verbal abuse in their workplaces, and almost 30 percent admitted to having yelled at a co-worker themselves. Such disturbing encounters wreak havoc emotionally, as demonstrated in studies in which physiological responses were monitored during arguments. Such attacks, which send the painful emotional messages of disgust or contempt, emotionally hijack the person targeted, particularly when the attacker is a spouse or boss, whose opinions carry much weight.

Emotional intelligence is a relatively new concept that holds considerable promise in teaching us the skills to relate to each other, leading to positive outcomes in many areas of human interaction. Currently it is the newest rage in Human Resource and Organizational Development consultation and training.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Practicing Medicine is Hard

Consider this recent article:


A major magazine annually lists top-rated physicians in the country. Generally, these are based on physician peer ratings and supplemented with information from patient surveys and physician-treatment patterns. While most physicians look forward to reading their names in the list…, those not impressed with the survey are the physicians’ spouses. “We pay the price,” said the nonphysician husband of a Midwestern winner. “We do the chores, plan family and social activities, and arrange most other activities of daily living. What most concerns us is that our physician-mates give so much emotional support to their patients and colleagues that there is often very little left to share with us.” - from an article by Dr. Xenakis in the 6/97 issue of Cortlandt Forum

and this very old article:

“…my wife and I had come to realize one of the chief difficulties of the family doctor — the constant drain upon the emotions. To stand helplessly while relentless organisms destroy a beautiful mother, a fine father, or a beloved child, creates terrible emotional distress; and this feeling is increased by the necessity of suppression. That is why the average lifetime of family doctors is 55 years, most of them succumbing to functional impairment”

Joseph A. Jerger, M.D., written in 1939

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Clinician to Provide Anger Management and Executive Coaching

Street address: Wilshire & Wellesley, Brentwood, 90025
Location: Los Angeles (West L.A.)
Date Listed: Nov-19-07

Anderson & Anderson, the first global provider of anger management is seeking a clinician interested in part-time anger management positions. The successful candidate will receive 40 hours of anger management facilitator certification training.

All positions are in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. To be considered, please send your resume via an e-mail attachment to George Anderson at Please visit the websites and links below to learn more about George Anderson and the Anderson & Anderson model of anger management.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Friday, November 16, 2007

Tame the beast: Control yourself with anger-management lessons

Inside a small, windowless conference room on the second floor of an Indianapolis office complex, 10 men who have been court-ordered to attend anger-management classes talk about what brought them here in the first place.

A middle-age father of two had struck his 12-year-old son, and the boy's school reported the incident to authorities the next day.

Another client -- they don't use the word student here -- smacked a woman in the parking lot of a bar after closing time.

Lynne McCulloch, a self-described ex-hippie and certified addictions counselor, sits curled in one of the cheap banquet chairs that line the small room and slightly grimaces at what she's hearing. She then tries to steer the conversation back to introspection and alternative coping skills.

"Looking back, what would you have done different?" she asks a client.

Although no reliable figures appear to exist, experts say an increasing number of jurisdictions and businesses across the country are mandating anger-management classes. The courts do it as an alternative to incarceration or as part of probation, and businesses do it as a defense against sexual harassment and other liability claims.

June Shrieves, a family court project coordinator, believes a propensity for violence is a learned behavior that can be unlearned.

"They're born and raised with someone (who) if they get angry they just hit someone," Shrieves says. "They never thought of another way."

That was the story told by several of the men at the recent class.

Dad beat on them; they beat on others.

When they got into a disagreement with someone in high school, they settled the dispute the old-fashioned way _ they duked it out.

Larry Brown, a 43-year-old certified public accountant, completed a 12-week, court-ordered program in September. He says the problem was related to an ongoing dispute with his ex-wife over their children.

"I thought, 'I'm not the kind of guy who belongs in anger-management class,' " Brown says.”That's probably the number one response of everyone who is sent. Whether that is true or not, there are still things you can learn from attending anger-management classes."

Specifically, Brown says he learned to think before acting, and to avoid situations that might lead to a confrontation in the first place.

The movement to anger-management counseling was started by the Veterans Administration after the Vietnam War as part of treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, says George Anderson, a longtime provider of anger-management diagnostics and study materials based in California.

"We have determined that anger... is a normal human emotion," says Anderson. "It's only a problem when it's too intense, it occurs too frequently, or it leads to violence against someone else or to yourself."

Although anger-management counseling is widespread, there is little or no standardization of treatment.

Studies have found that people with "problem anger," as it's sometimes called, have anger reactions that are more frequent, intense and enduring than in other people, and they are more physically and verbally abusive because of their anger. Increased drug and alcohol abuse is highly correlated with increased outbursts of anger, too.

"Anger is . . . one of the most powerful and potentially one of the most destructive emotions we have, so it certainly is important to learn to manage it," clinical psychologist Carol Wright-Buckley says.

Because there is so little scientific research into anger and anger management, a situation decried by some experts, it is hard to tell what really works.

McCulloch looks for subtle messages from her clients to know if her therapy is working. Sometimes it's just a change of expression on their faces when she or another client says something interesting, or it's the first time a client admits that maybe_ just maybe_ he or she had a role in causing the incident that led to violence in the first place.

"They're blaming and reacting. At no point are they introspective," McCulloch says. " 'The system is against me.' 'My old lady knows how to push my buttons.' It takes a lot of courage to look within. A lot of these men have never done that."

By ABE AAMIDOR, The Indianapolis Star

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

When It’s Time For Anger Management

Training can help all employees—not just the worksite hothead—deal productively with emotions.

By Linda Wasmer Andrews

Turnout was good at Aon Services in Chicago when the company brought in a psychologist to give workshops on anger management. But Chet Taranowski, the company’s internal employee assistance program (EAP) coordinator, noticed something odd: “A lot of people who came had someone else in mind. They were there because someone in their lives had an anger problem, not because they felt they had a problem themselves.”

That’s one of the ironies of addressing anger in the workplace. Employees certainly aren’t oblivious to the hothead sitting in the next cubicle or standing by them on the production line. “But people who have anger problems don’t necessarily recognize it in themselves,” Taranowski says. “They’re often surprised and shocked when someone confronts them with it.”

In the past, many companies conspired with employees to look the other way. After all, confronting an employee in denial is a thankless job, and it’s likely to make an anger-prone person...well, angry. But in a security-conscious world, this nonsolution is a nonstarter, so more companies are looking for ways to help employees get their anger under control. A 2003 Society for Human Resource Management survey illustrates this trend: Of 270 HR professionals responding, 16 percent reported that their companies offered anger management courses to employees, double the percentage in 1999.

“The real impetus for this growth came after 9/11,” says George Anderson, director of Anderson & Anderson, a Brentwood, Calif., firm that has taken a lead role in training anger management facilitators. Recent, highly publicized incidents of workplace violence also raised the field’s profile. “Then came the movie ‘Anger Management,’ which popularized it,” says Anderson, referring to a 2003 comedy for which he served as technical adviser. Today, more HR professionals are looking for practical ways to keep a lid on workplace anger.

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Workplace

Anger is undoubtedly a factor in some of the 1.7 million violent victimizations—mostly assaults—that Americans experience while working each year. (This includes incidents involving customers, clients, students and other nonemployees.) Employers that don’t address potential problems could pay a heavy price.

If an employer ignores warning signs leading up to a violent incident, it could be held legally liable. “But even if the company has done things right, the cost of defending itself averages $700,000,” Anderson says. Clearly, it’s in a company’s best interest to deal with hostile employees before they become violent perpetrators.

Fortunately, the majority of angry employees aren’t assailants in the making. “Most of the people I see are not violent,” says anger management provider Ari Novick, president of the AJ Novick Group in Laguna Beach, Calif. “Instead, they’re simply people who have a difficult time expressing anger in an appropriate way.” For some, rage is less an explosion than a slow burn.

“Yet even lower levels of chronic anger and worker conflict can increase absenteeism and decrease productivity,” says Bernie Golden, a clinical psychologist and founder of Anger Management Education in Chicago. “It creates a less cohesive workplace and damages morale. Anger also competes with focused attention, so it impairs judgment and increases reaction time.” These effects, in turn, raise the risk of critical errors and accidents.

Plus, intense or long-lasting hostility has been linked to medical problems—such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart attacks—that may drive up health insurance premiums.

Stop the Madness

For employees who are always simmering, anger management training may help them control their feelings and keep them from boiling over into destructive behavior.

Many employees are referred to training directly by HR, while others come via their company’s EAP. Since anger per se is not a diagnosable mental disorder, health plans typically don’t cover anger management treatment. Instead, the employer or EAP usually picks up the tab, although some companies require employees to pay it for themselves. The training is typically presented in either small group classes or one-on-one coaching sessions.

Not surprisingly, group training is the less expensive alternative. Since the field is so new, there are no statistics on average fees nationwide. As a benchmark, though, Anderson says his classes generally run about $500 per employee: $70 for the initial assessment, $30 for a client workbook, and $40 per hour for an average of 10 one-hour classes. Anderson also provides one-on-one coaching, but, at $250 per hour, he says, most companies reserve this option for executives.

Despite the expense, however, some providers argue that individual coaching may be more cost-effective in the long run. “It can be tailored specifically to what that person’s issues and dynamics are,” says W. Barry Nixon, SPHR, executive director of the National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence in Lake Forest, Calif. “People aren’t going to reveal themselves as much with other people around.”

Whether the anger management program consists of group training or one-on-one coaching, most providers space out the sessions at weekly intervals. Some also offer accelerated classes that cram several hours of training into a single day. At times, there may be pressing reasons for choosing this route. For example, Anderson has one large corporate client that takes its employees off the clock until they complete their training. Obviously, it’s important to get employees back to work as quickly as possible. “But if someone were to ask me if I recommend this approach, I would say no,” Anderson says. “If the option is there, it’s best to spread out the training over time, because one key to good results is practicing between classes.”

Anger Management 101

At a typical anger management session, you won’t see people analyzing how their parents’ botched approach to toilet training warped their personality. The focus of an effective session is on teaching people life skills, not providing therapy. Unlike depression and anxiety, anger is not recognized as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the main reference manual of the mental health professions.

“We are there to help people unlearn negative ways of dealing with anger and learn more positive ones,” says Nixon. “You don’t teach a person not to get angry—it’s a natural emotion. The goal is teaching people how to channel their anger and how to behave when they do get angry.”

Most anger management training incorporates skills such as stress reduction, communication, conflict resolution and problem-solving. In theory, this sounds like a good mix, but hard data on outcomes are lacking. “The effectiveness of many anger management programs is simply not known,” says Jerry Deffenbacher, a psychology professor at Colorado State University who has researched anger for more than two decades.

One possible drawback to group classes is that it may be difficult to reach all of the participants. For example, class participants may include both people who are psychologically ready to change and those who are still in denial.

“These are two very different types of people,” Deffenbacher says. “They may be equally angry, but putting them together in a common class may not be the best way to go. Also, there’s good literature in other areas of psychology to indicate that, if you aren’t ready to change, the intervention probably won’t take hold.”

Keep in mind that anger management training is geared to folks with garden-variety anger issues. At times, though, angry or irritable behavior may be a symptom of a more pervasive psychological problem, such as addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder or depression. Any anger management program should include an initial assessment that sorts out people who are likely to benefit from anger education from those who really do need therapy or medical treatment.

Warning Signs

How do you know when an employee might be a good candidate for anger management training? Some warning signs are relatively straightforward, such as being chronically irritable, impatient, short-tempered, argumentative or sarcastic. “Fellow employees may report that there is frequent conflict, or increased tension or lack of cooperation,” Golden says. “There might also be increased absenteeism or tardiness.”

Be alert, too, for signs of “cold contempt,” says Anna Maravelas, president of TheraRising in Arden Hills, Minn., and author of How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress (Career Press, 2005). “At work, a lot of anger isn’t expressed by yelling, because people don’t want to get fired or disciplined for it.” Instead, some employees may express their anger in less direct ways, such as backstabbing, rumormongering and turf wars.

Angry employees are found on every rung of the corporate ladder, from minimum-wage workers to top-level executives. But according to Golden, one thing many of these employees have in common is unrealistic expectations.

“Let’s say their firm is downsized, and suddenly they’re doing not only their own job, but also the tasks of others who have left,” Golden says. “They maintain the expectation that they will be rewarded for the extra time and effort.” While that might be a reasonable expectation, it is not necessarily a realistic one in the current economic climate.

When employees don’t get the rewards they expect, they can wind up disillusioned, resentful and angry.

Practical Pointers

Suggesting that an employee go to anger management training is one thing. Getting the employee to actually show up is another.

In some cases, you may be able to mandate attendance as a condition of continued employment—for instance, if an employee has behaved in a way that would otherwise be proper grounds for discipline or termination.

But a caveat: If the employee’s behavior might have been caused by a “mental impairment” as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you’ll need to take special care, warns Karen Karr, an employment attorney at the Steptoe & Johnson law firm in Phoenix.

“If an employee acts violently, the employer may suspend or terminate that employee, even if the behavior results from a disability. The ADA does not require an employer to accommodate an individual who poses a direct threat,” says Karr. But a dilemma arises when an employee whose behavior might be caused by a mental impairment merely threatens violence. Says Karr, “In this case, the employer may discipline the employee only if there is objective evidence that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the employee is a threat to the workplace. Otherwise, the employer must accommodate the disability.”

One way to gather objective evidence is with a formal threat assessment. If the assessment indicates that a particular employee is at risk for becoming violent, the employee may be disciplined—or, alternatively, sent to anger management training. Says Nixon, “If, as a result of the threat assessment, it’s determined that this employee needs to work on anger issues, that is something the company can require.”

In most cases, though, you’ll probably be strongly encouraging an employee to go to training rather than actually requiring it. Often, the response you get may come down to how you present the situation. “You wouldn’t want to enter into a power struggle with an employee who already has anger issues,” says Steven Uhrik, an HR consultant from Villa Park, Ill. Instead, ease into the conversation with a few positive comments. Then state the problem, and be ready to back up your points with documentation. “Base everything on performance or attendance,” Uhrik says. Spell out the consequences for continued problems as well as the potential benefits of addressing them.

“Document everything, but be careful about what you put in the employee’s permanent record,” Uhrik adds. “Use nonjudgmental, behavioral descriptions of the employee’s actions, and be able to demonstrate their effect on the workplace.” Instead of writing that “the employee was referred to anger management class,” Uhrik recommends using the phrase “appropriate company resources were provided to the employee.” That way, if the employee’s file is ever seen by anyone, including the employee or an opposing attorney, it doesn’t contain anything that might be construed as defamatory.

Finding Help

Finding someone qualified to help your employees can be trickier than it sounds.

The ideal is a professional with substantial training and experience in anger management. But since anger isn’t recognized as a mental disorder, strategies for managing it aren’t a big part of the education that most mental health professionals receive. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that people advertising anger management services really have the requisite background.

Anderson & Anderson has a network of certified facilitators who use its model of anger management. Also, a small group of facilitators and providers banded together in 2004 to form the American Association of Anger Management Providers. Both organizations offer directories of providers on their web sites.

In addition, since many anger management providers take referrals from the courts, Golden suggests calling probation offices or social services agencies for recommendations. Look for a provider who not only has the necessary education and experience, but who also does an initial assessment and has a well-defined training approach.

Once you’ve found a qualified provider, don’t hesitate to refer employees when they need it. “Sometimes, just the process of identifying anger as a problem is a helpful experience for employees, because they’re clueless,” says Taranowski. So, do the company hotheads—and the company—a favor, and clue them in to anger management.

Linda Wasmer Andrews is a freelance writer in Albuquerque, N.M., who has specialized in health and psychology issues for two decades.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Anderson & Anderson Accelerated Anger Management Classes

Anger is a natural human emotion. However, it can cause emotional and physical distress if not controlled. Don't let a reckless driver on the freeway ruin what would have otherwise been a good day for you. Anderson & Anderson can provide you with techniques that will help you utilize your anger in a way that leads to positive outcomes. Enroll in our accelerated anger management class sessions. This 8 hour course is designed to meet the needs of clients who wish to avoid attending classes on a weekly basis. Rather than attending weekly classes, it is now possible to enroll, complete the assessment and attend this course until the required number of classes have been completed. These classes take place on every 1st, 3rd and 4th Saturday of the month.

Cost: Enrollment & Assessment $120 + $50 per hour. VISA or MASTERCARD Accepted. Visit for more information, or contact our office at 310-207-3591.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Advanced and Proven Anger Management Advice

If you, your co-workers, family members or friends think that your anger is a problem, take it serious and get the professional help you need. Anger is a normal human emotion. However, it is a problem when angry behavior impacts interpersonal relationships. Here are some clues to help you determine if your anger is in the normal, acceptable range or if your anger is affecting your relationships or health:

-Your anger is too frequent.
-Your anger is too intense.
-Your anger lasts too long.
-Your anger is causing health problems.
-Your anger is affecting your relationships.
-Your anger is leading to conflicts with others.
-Your anger is resulting in person or property directed aggression.

If any three of the above conditions are true in your situation, you need to seek an assessment from a Certified Anger Management Provider.

Since anger is not a mental or nervous disorder, it is not responsive to counseling, psychotherapy or medication. Intervention for anger is not covered by health insurance.

Certified Anger Management Facilitators routinely provide participants with an assessment at intake. This assessment is a MAP, which is designed to identify the sources of strength or deficits in the following areas: anger management, stress management, assertive communication and emotional intelligence.

Following the assessment, each client is given feedback in writing and verbally detailing the results of the assessment and the goals and length of time needed to accomplish those goals. Each client is given a workbook, which contains anger logs, stress logs, exercises, quizzes and information on anger, stress, communication and emotional intelligence. In addition, posters, videos, role-play and mini lecturers are provided during the anger management classes to teach skill enhancement in these areas.

After the completion of the class or individual coaching, a Post Test is given to determine the level of change in the areas in which deficits were noted in the initial assessment. Follow-up contacts are generally arranged to occur on a quarterly basis for at least six months.

To find a Certified Anger Management Provider in your area, visit the website of Anderson & Anderson at and click on Certified Providers.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Friday, November 09, 2007

Coaching for Anger, a Niche within a Niche

Executive coaching for anger is not just a niche with in the coaching profession; it is also a niche within anger management. In contrast to coaching, there is no focus on issues relating to leadership, organizational development, sales or other aspects of business or corporate culture.

Executive coaching for anger is a separate and distinct concentration, which is neither counseling nor psychotherapy. It is a class/tutorial offered on an individual basis and designed to address deficits in the recognition and management of anger and stress, as well as enhancement is assertive communication and emotional intelligence.

Coaching for anger is especially useful for physicians and other high profile persons who tend to respond to occupational or personal stress by behaving aggressively, and in ways which negatively impact interpersonal relationships.

The narrow focus of anger management coaching is effective with motivated participants who are seen in an accelerated two day 12 hour format, or those who participate in weekly sessions.

For on-site coaching at your office of hospital, contact Anderson & Anderson at 310-207-3591 or visit our website at

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

New “disruptive physician behavior” standards create conflict among hospital administrators and medical staff

Hospital administrators and doctors nationwide are experiencing problems in establishing and implementing the new JACHO standards regarding “disruptive behavior” for physicians. Physicians are appropriately concerned over any possible damage to their future careers as the result of having been referred by their credential committee, physician well-being committee or any other disciplinary unit or hospital administration for “disruptive behavior”. Therefore, they have argued forcefully for all types of written assurances to protect themselves from risk.

One of the consequences of this squabbling is the delay in the implementation of these new standards. Some of the new policies appear to stall actions against any physician accused of disruptive behavior for at least six months. The physician becomes the subject of a survey taken by other physicians and staff associates. Other staff members in the physician’s specialty area are asked to respond to a series of questions regarding his or her demeanor in relation to patient care and interpersonal interaction. The goal is to see if the physician is able to make changes in his or her behavior without intervention. If positive changes are seen, the survey is repeated in three months and a decision is made to dismiss the action or to order anger management.

What is clear so far is that psychological/psychiatric intervention is not seen as an acceptable remedy for disruptive behavior by any of the new policies that are being adopted. All physicians routinely reject any record of intervention, which implies treatment for mental or nervous disorders. This is a reasonable strategy since anger is not a pathological condition. Rather, anger is a “lifestyle issue” that is generally stress related.

Anger is a normal human emotion, which is a problem when it is too intense, occurs too frequently, lasts too long, is harmful to one’s health, leads to person-directed aggression or damages interpersonal relationships.

Anger management is a class which begins with an assessment for anger, stress, communication and emotional intelligence and is followed by individual coaching or classes designed to teach enhancement skills in the same four areas mentioned above.

There is absolutely nothing which can be perceived as negative in learning to recognize and manage stress and anger as well as enhancing skills in assertive communication and emotional intelligence.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management


Anger is a natural human emotion. However, it can cause emotional and physical distress if not controlled. Don't let a reckless driver on the freeway ruin what would have otherwise been a good day for you. Anderson & Anderson can provide you with techniques that will help you utilize your anger in a way that leads to positive outcomes. Enroll in our introductory anger management class. It takes place on the second Saturday of every month.

For more information, such as cost and location, please visit or contact George Anderson: or Also, feel free to call our office: 310-207-3591 for any questions you may have.

This is an ideal gift for someone you love.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Anatomy of Anger

Anger is selfish. It seeks the survival of its own. Anger is not interested in dialogue with the outside world, only the self defeating dialogue that protects the beliefs and ideas that keep anger alive. This is the negative self talk that says, “I am right and you are wrong-- end of discussion.” It is the mind’s last resort to protect all that the individual holds dear.

Anger is rigid, unyielding and protectionist. Maybe this is part of the primitive mechanism to protect us from ourselves when we decide to not meet our emotional needs or meet these needs incorrectly. It is a last ditch attempt to set a boundary that says this is what I believe—I will stay here, you stay over there. Sometimes our other emotions have told us through the emotional cues what we love, what we hate, what makes us happy, and what makes us sad. However, these signals are ignored and, when the mind can no longer allow in foreign emotional content or is emotionally starved, anger steps in and closes the door.

The beauty of being human is that we are able to have an internal conversation with our emotions before they become anger. We can assess our feelings as they emerge by determining their origin, assessing their meaning and meeting the proposed need. It is almost like being able to differentiate when we are hungry from thirsty. Then we meet the need for food or water. In the same way one can determine if our thirst or hunger is for a specific kind of food, being emotionally aware can help us meet our need before anger comes in--not to dialogue, but to protect.

Carlos Todd, LPC, NCC, CAMF
President of the American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anger Management/Executive Coaching of Charlotte, North Carolina

Avoidance Anger’s Best Friend

To confront the problems in our lives and live an authentic existence may be an elusive accomplishment that many fail to achieve. Some of us hate to confront the things that are enviably making us unhappy. We hear our emotions telling us that that we need to make changes in our job, marriage, health and life’s focus, yet we ignore and AVOID these signals to our detriment.

All of us know intuitively what is good for us and what is not so good; but, for some, it is just too hard to deal with the emotional upheaval that will result when we decide to make a change. However, no matter how we try to avoid change, our emotions signal the existence of problems through feelings of fear, anxiety, apprehension, frustration, exhaustion, depression and discomfort. Some fail to listen and the result is a feeling of vulnerability and defensiveness.

This defensiveness creates hyper-vigilance. Such hyper-vigilance is like proverbially living with the hand on the gun. Any perceived attack by the outside world, whether it be from another driver, spouse, co-worker, pastor, friend, child, or the unsuspecting man on the street is viewed as attack on the self and ANGER comes in to defend what beliefs and values we hold dear. This process all starts with avoidance and, while it is not the only way to explain anger, it is one of the ways that is associated with dreams unfulfilled.

Carlos Todd, LPC, NCC, CAMF
President of the American Association of Anger Management Providers
Anger Management/Executive Coaching of Charlotte, North Carolina

Anger Management Home Study CD

You must take an anger management course. That’s the reality. But can you afford to miss work for a week or more? Not many people can, which is why Anderson & Anderson now offers its ground-breaking anger management course on CD-ROM.

The Anger Management Home Study CD allows you to participate at your own pace from home, eliminating the need to take valuable time away from your job. Lost wages, skyrocketing gas prices, and hotel costs make attending anger management courses costly. Why not do it from home?

Our home study anger management course offers the same material presented in our live courses. In addition to the CDs, this easy to use format comes with a client workbook, Gaining Control of Ourselves, and the Tips for Anger Management booklet. That’s three powerful resources bundled for your convenience.

After completing the home study course, complete the enclosed exam and return it in the envelope provided. We will then score your exam and send you a Certificate of Completion.

Our Certificate of Completion is widely recognized and approved by courts, Human Resource Managers, probation and parole department nationwide. This home study course is also accepted by government agencies and Child Protective Services Departments for mandated clients.

Why spend your valuable time and money if you don’t have to? Save both by using our home study CDs.

Cost: $250.00

Note: Not Accepted by Los Angeles Courts.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Testimonial from an Anger Management Provider


Executive Coaching/Anger Management For "Disruptive Physicians"

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who is a Certified Anderson & Anderson Provider, I pursued continuing education and advanced training with Mr. George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, BCD, CAMF, in the specialized niche of Executive Coaching. A substantial number of hours were spent learning and assimilating the Anderson and Anderson Method and materials used in Executive Coaching. A substantial number of hours were also spent in direct consultation with Mr. Anderson critiquing my levels of understanding, assimilation and abilities of delivery intervention.

After competency and trust was established, Mr. Anderson altruistically gave me my first Executive Coaching-Physician referral. This granted me the opportunity to implement the Anderson and Anderson Method of Executive Coaching with a substantial number of hours of advanced training received from Mr. Anderson. The Physician/Surgeon received the 2-day, (12) hour Executive Coaching intervention with surprising openness and receptiveness. I debriefed in-depth with Mr. Anderson regarding the reciprocal experiences of the Executive Coaching intervention. The outcome appeared to be very successful.

Building upon the foundation of competency and trust, Mr. Anderson gave me my second Executive Coaching-Physician referral. This experience was more unique than the first involving two healthcare professionals. Mr. Anderson and I conducted two separate, simultaneous Executive Coaching intervention sessions with a one-hour “Conjoint” summary Executive Coaching session. This was clearly an “Out Of The Box” experience. The outcome from direct observation and feedback was from, objective appearances, phenomenal. Again, a significant number of hours were spent with Mr. Anderson debriefing on our respective and collective experiences from this most unique Executive Coaching Intervention.

From “First-Hand” experiences, Mr. Anderson has and is “Raising the Bar”, and “Setting the Standard” for Executive Coaching. The prerequisite criteria established by Mr. Anderson, for the Anderson and Anderson Method of Executive Coaching and Anger Management, will saliently present the issue of qualified, competent and experienced Executive Coaches who are able to provide “Quality Care,” to Executive Coaching clients.

Executive & Life Coaching, Inc.
Colbert B. Williams, Sr., MSW, LCSW, CAMF- President
(Licensed Clinical Social Worker)
(Certified Anger Management Facilitator)
Executive Coach
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers